Friday, January 24, 2014

Building the Wall

After we built the foundation, we were able to pick a pattern that we wanted to use for the brown stone block. We then picked all of our stones and put them in place to make sure they fit and we cut some blocks to a specific size to fit. We had to disassemble the wall so we created a numbering system so it was easy to put back into place when we build it.

We began laying one block at a time. We had to make sure we wet the foundation and the brick because the lime pulls the moisture out of the stone, which makes it dry too fast to make a strong bond. We had to use levels and strings to make sure the blocks were in line and also level with each other. We used mallets to put the stones in place and move them. 

We used a joint size of about ¼ inch. The lime in the mortar leaves the white marks on the stone. After the blocks were put in place, we wiped the joints with a sponge to clean them off and leave a clean joint. 

We were able to use a previous student’s stone carving to make the transition of angles. It was the perfect height and width so it fit right in place. 

Here, my classmates and I are laying the last 2 blocks of the wall. We had the obstacle of lining up the block with the string and making sure it was the right size. We had to use a scribe to mark the measurement that we needed. Then, we used the rotating saw to trim down the block to the correct size. After that, we used a hammer and pitcher to make the face of the block match the rest. 

Here, I am using a 2-foot level to make sure the blocks are lining up so that they are level. If we don’t do this at this stage, It makes it harder to make the next layer of blocks level. 
Here, I am using a mallet to put the stone into place and slide it over to make a strong and tight joint to the block beside it.

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