Summer Internship #1: Hyde Park Mouldings
I had an amazing experience at Hyde Park! I loved my mentors Eduardo, John and everyone else that I worked with! I was amazed at how much I was able to learn in such a short time period.
Throughout my time At Hyde Park Mouldings, I worked on various projects in the custom shop. The job of the custom shop was to work on custom pieces so that we could get a section done to make a rubber mould of it. Once we completed the project and had the rubber done, the mould would be sent to the casting shop where they would produce the pieces needed to complete the project. From there the pieces would be cleaned if they needed and shipped to wherever they needed to go.
Under my pages link, Click on "Summer Internship" to see detailed descriptions of the projects that I worked on!
Under my pages link, Click on "Summer Internship" to see detailed descriptions of the projects that I worked on!